They began their set promptly at 8 p.m. with “Liquid Dreams,” where lyrics from the song’s chorus were displayed on the giant televised screen. “We are O-Town,” they said, introducing themselves. “Make some noise.”
O-Town immediately broke into “Girl,” which featured their synchronized choreography, and they sang their new song “Lines & Circles,” where they showed their soft side.
It was neat to see them do their own version of “Am I Wrong,” tipping their hats to Nico & Vinz and they continued with a funky version of The Weeknd’s “I Can’t Feel My Face,” where they had their fans waving their hands up in the air, as the televised screen featured a psychedelic background.
They took their fans on a trip down memory lane to their first No. 1 video with “We Fit Together,” and they went into the crowd and took selfies with everybody during “These Are the Days,” which became a popular hit with the audience.
O-Town encouraged the crowd to sing along with them on “Playing with Fire,” and they had them clapping along. “Westbury! Get your hands together,” they said.
They closed with their signature ballad, “All or Nothing,” where everybody’s phones were up as they lit up the venue, and it subsequently garnered them a standing ovation.
The Verdict
Overall, O-Town was able to deliver at the NYCB Theatre at Westbury, and they were able to warm up the stage for the acts that followed on the My2K tour. It is safe to say that they gained many new fans this evening. Their live set earned four out of five stars.