“Nikki & Nora: Sister Sleuths,” starring Rhiannon Fish and Hunter King, is a new original Hallmark mystery that premiered on Sunday, October 2nd.
The synopsis of the mystery is as follows: After 10 years of estrangement, fraternal twin sisters Nikki (Hunter King) and Nora (Rhiannon Fish) are reunited when they inherit a small private detective agency.
Nora is a successful lawyer at a high-profile Chicago law firm on track to be made a partner and Nikki is a streetwise, struggling actress who can barely pay her rent every month.
Nikki, always in need of cash, wants to liquidate the detective agency immediately but before she can persuade her sister, they stumble upon the dead body of the lead counsel in Nora’s law firm.
Sensing an opportunity for impromptu undercover work, Nikki agrees to join forces to find the killer. Utilizing their local connections, the sisters struggle to stay one step ahead of Chicago police detective Scott Evans (David Attar).
Hoping to start a romantic relationship with Nora, patrol officer Robby Watts
(Madison Smith) uses his insider police department connections to help the
sisters with the case.
As Nikki and Nora are pulled deeper into the murder mystery, they realize
that their twin sister connection gives them a unique advantage and a real knack for solving mysteries.
“Nikki & Nora: Sister Sleuths” is from Nikki & Nora Films Inc. Howard Braunstein is
the executive producer. The movie is produced by Christian Bruyere. Kevin Fair directed the movie from a script by Marcy Holland. The story is by Dianne Dixon.
The Verdict
This new Hallmark mystery is filled with many twists and turns that will certainly keep the audience engaged (and at the edge of their seats the whole time). The acting performances by Hunter King, Rhiannon Fish, Madison Smith, and David Attar are all memorable.
Hopefully, this will be a film that will have multiple sequels to it. “Nikki & Nora: Sister Sleuths” is worth checking out. The writing, direction, and acting are all solid in this movie. Well done.