This marked their third annual “Ugly Sweater Party,” but this time, it involved a 90’s twist to it, since it fell on a Friday night. DJ Mike Savage provided the entertainment for the evening, and managed to get the crowd on their feet the entire night. The best ugly sweater won a TV as a prize.
The turnout started slow, but then it was a packed venue. Tribute group Plunge rocked on all of the alternative rock and pop classics of the 90’s. One could never go wrong with front-man Matt Wahl on lead vocals, and acoustic guitar, as well as their tremendous stage presence. Their music was upbeat, fun and nostalgic.
Most recently, Mulcahy’s Pub and Concert Hall was ranked by Digital Journal as the “Top Venue on Long Island of 2017,” and rightfully so.
For more information on Mulcahy’s Pub and Concert Hall, and their upcoming events, check out their official website.