When it comes to releasing singles for country radio, it is either a hit or miss for Lee Brice. Sometimes, his singles are powerful and compelling such as “I Drive Your Truck,” but other times they are lackluster and forgettable. This single falls in the latter category.
“That Don’t Sound Like You” is way too overproduced, and the auto-tune in parts of the chorus just doesn’t cut it. That is quite a shame since from a lyrical standpoint, it had a lot of potential. One thing is for sure. Bigger is not always better.
“Truck tires on a gravel road, Laughing at the world, blasting my radio, Cannon ball splashing in the water, Doing whatever whenever you wanted, What did he do,” Brice sings, in its overproduced chorus.
The Verdict
Lee Brice’s new single “That Don’t Sound Like You” garners 2 out of 5 stars. It is one of those songs that the moment you hear being played on the radio airwaves, you instantly want to cringe and switch the radio station. Brice falls victim of poor song selection, especially since there were far better tracks on his I Don’t Dance album that were better suited for a radio single.