This marked their inaugural show at The Nutty Irishman in Farmingdale, but hopefully, not their last. The group (comprised of founding member Edvin, as well as Chris, Price and Dan) began their set with their namesake tune “Larger Than Life,” and immediately continued with “Tearin’ Up My Heart” by NSYNC.
Larger Than Life performed hit after hit such as “I’ll Make Love To You” by Boyz II Men, and they even included their signature “Dirty Medley.” Of course, they had to throw in “Step by Step” and “You Got It (The Right Stuff),” and they did them justice. Price nailed the bridge in they Backstreet Boys smash hit “I Want It That Way,” and Chris was pitch-perfect, as always. They also covered Zayn’s “Pillowtalk,” and sang about love and acceptance on “Love Yourself” by Justin Bieber.
They displayed their velvet harmonies on 98 Degrees’ “Because of You” and even paid homage to BBMak with “Back Here. Larger Than Life sang “It’s Gonna Be Me” and they closed on a fitting note with “Bye Bye Bye” from NSYNC, and Price returned to deliver a witty rendition of Britney Spears’ “Baby One More Time.” They reminded their fans that this August they will be embarking on their booze cruise in Manhattan, and invited them to join them.
The Verdict
Overall, Larger Than Life rocked The Nutty Irishman in Farmingdale by serenading fans and listeners to boy band hits spanning several decades from various musical acts. They also showcased their incredible dance moves, and commanded the stage quite well. They were able to put smiles on their fans’ faces, and that spoke volumes of their talent. Bravo.
To learn more about boy band cover group Larger Than Life, check out their official website.