The show was co-hosted by on-air personalities Katie Neal and Jesse Addy. “How are we doing?” asked Jordan Davis, prior to noting that he is happy to here with Kip Moore. “It’s going to be a lot of fun,” Davis admitted.
After a few technical difficulties, Davis kicked off his set with songs from his forthcoming debut studio album, such as “Going Around,” and it was followed by “Take It From Me,” where he started on the second verse, and went on to sing that verse twice.
Davis immediately broke into the ballad “Detours,” which he dubbed as one of his personal favorite songs on the new album, which featured neat harmony vocals from his band.
He picked up the pace with the mid-tempo “Tough to Tie Down” and “Slow Dance in a Parking Lot,” displayed his rich, smooth voice. “Thank you,” he said, effusively.
Davis shared that he is originally from Louisiana, and he praised the song “Leaving New Orleans” as a special tune on the new record, and rightfully so. He paid homage to R&B superstar Usher by doing a mash-up of “You Got It Bad” and “Burn.”
“Thank you all for having me. Thank you NASH FM for having me,” he reiterated his gratitude. “I’m ready for Kip Moore too,” he added. He closed his set with his breakthrough radio single, “Singles You Up,” which is making its way up the Billboard Hot Country charts.
The Verdict
Overall, Jordan Davis was able to warm up the stage for Kip Moore at NASH FM 94.7’s Stage 17, in an event that was sponsored by Shiner, who has been promoting music since the year 1909, well over a century. Davis’ live set at the studio garnered 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Read More: Digital Journal reviewed Jordan Davis’ new song “Singles You Up.”