Comedian John Trueson hosted the evening, and local comedians Nick Tilleli, Anthony DiDomenico, and Vincent D’Agostino were able to warm up the stage for Ziegler.
Ziegler opened up his set with jokes about his experiences at the cell phone store, and equally funny were his checkout experiences at the bagel store and Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins. He also spoke about his love for Chinese food, and about his past relationships.
He shared that he travels a lot and opened up about his week at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and what he learned from the Amish people. He revealed the destination spot that he and his family members would go on vacation when he was younger, and he addressed some flaws of the healthcare system.
One of the highlight segments of his show was when he poked fun at his 87-year-old mother, who bought a brand new house. He even discussed several of his previous jobs prior to doing comedy full-time, which included working with sales (which required him to be aggressive) and working as a teacher.
The Verdict
Overall, John Ziegler was hysterical at Governor’s Comedy Club at The Brokerage, who had the crowd laughing for the entire duration of his set. He refrained from getting too political, and his jokes were on topics that were relatable, hence they worked so well. Ziegler is worth seeing live whenever he performs in town. His witty comedic set garnered an A rating.
To learn more about John Ziegler and his comedy, check out his official website.