“Jack and Lou: A Gangster Love Story” is a gripping and compelling audio drama series. Digital Journal has the scoop.
This six-episode audio drama is the story is about love in Al Capone’s Chicago. It is inspired by the true story of Louise Rolfe and Jack McGurn. The two were involved in the famous trial after the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in 1929.
It is based on a story by John Watson, and the original music was composed by David Myles Lewis. It was subsequently produced by Yeon Jin Lee and Mehmet Gungoren, as well as sound supervised by Audrey Gu and Cabba Cai.
Particularly impressive about “Jack and Lou: A Gangster Love Story” is that this marked the first narrative podcast from the USC School of Cinematic Arts, and it was produced in a remote/virtual fashion. It is set in the Prohobitin Beer Wars in 1920s Chicago, where Lisa Kudrow (“Friends”) is transformative as Louise Rolfe, the “Blonde Alibi” that gets Jack acquitted from the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre (1929), which he masterminded.
Leigh Joel Scott is sensational, where he delivers a bold and unflinching audio performance as Jack McGurn, Al Capone’s most trusted hitman. He is living proof that looks can be deceiving.
The entire cast in this audio drama is noteworthy and remarkable. Kudos to the screenwriters for writing such powerful and relevant material.
It earned four 2022 Indie Series Awards nominations, and rightfully so. These included nods for “Best Actor — Audio Fiction” for Leigh Joel Scott, “Best Actress — Audio Fiction” for Lisa Kudrow, and the series also secured nominations for “Best Ensemble — Audio Fiction” and “Best Audio Fiction Series.”
The Verdict
With “Jack and Lou: A Gangster Love Story,” the cast and filmmakers are able to put their listening audience into a time warp to the roaring ’20s. This adventure is quite a wild, bumpy, and vivacious ride, so everyone needs to buckle up. Prepared to be blown away. “Jack and Lou: A Gangster Love Story” is well-crafted, refreshing, it garners an A rating.
To learn more about “Jack and Lou: A Gangster Love Story,” visit its official website, and check out the episodes on Spotify. Follow the audio drama on Instagram and Twitter.