Donna Logan discovered that Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) cheated on Ridge with her ex-husband Bill Spencer (Don Diamont) since she saw the video of them making out together in the new digital picture frame.
Unbeknownst to both of them, Shauna Fulton (Denise Richards) had taped that video and her best friend Quinn (Rena Sofer) uploaded it in the digital picture frame that Ridge bought Brooke (which allowed family members to upload photos and video clips of Ridge and Brooke over the years).
Gareis delivered an impressive dialogue-heavy scene opposite Lang when she comes to a startling realization that Brooke has been unfaithful to Ridge, especially because Bill is seeing their younger sister Katie Logan (Heather Tom). Gareis is convincing in her execution of this moving scene since she feels that Brooke is back to her old ways again.
Now that Donna knows, it is only a matter of time before the rest of the Forrester household, as well as Katie and Ridge, find out the truth about Bill and Brooke.
Tune in to the popular daytime drama The Bold and The Beautiful on CBS to see how this storyline unfolds later this week.