Jake Helgren serves as director, writer, and co-producer. This film follows Wyatt (played by Peter Porte), who is a sophisticated, financier from New York who returns home for the holidays in an effort to convince his mother, Deb (veteran actress Andie MacDowell) to sell the family’s ranch and the endearing Winter Wonderland attraction.
While attempting this mission, an unexpected romance ignites between Wyatt and the new ranch hand Heath (Juan Pablo Di Pace) and that sparks the spirit of Christmas. Juan Pablo Di Pace is not afraid to be raw and vulnerable in this role. Andie MacDowell is sensational and Peter Porte is a revelation as Wyatt.
The Verdict
Overall, Dashing in December is a pleasant and heartwarming movie. Andie MacDowell, Juan Pablo Di Pace, and Peter Porte are all remarkable in their leading roles and they sustain the audience’s attention for its entire duration; moreover, the entire cast (including Caroline Harris and Carlos Sanz) gives memorable performances.
Compliments to showrunner Jake Helgren for writing and directing this poignant holiday LGBTQ film. This is a story that makes viewers believe in love again. It garners an A- rating.
Read More: Digital Journal’s Markos Papadatos chatted with Juan Pablo Di Pace about Dashing in December.