Eric Tartaglione served as his opening act, who was exceptional in his own right and was able to warm up the Rockwells stage for Vic DiBitetto. Tartaglione said jokes about his heritage (being 100 percent Italian with traces of Greek and Ashkenazi Jew in his ancestry DNA, and he even poked fun of his wife and the need to have colonoscopies done over the age of 50).
DiBitetto began his show with some of his most popular viral videos that were displayed on Rockwells’ giant television screens that instantly got the audience energized and excited. He praised Tartaglione for doing a great job with his opening set and thanked everyone for coming.
Dubbed as the “Italian Hurricane,” DiBitetto encouraged people to get off their cell phones and “enjoy the moment.” He poked fun at a 16-year-old boy and gave him lessons about things that may be unfamiliar to him (such as who “Speedy Gonzales” is, among other things).
He shared one of the most important lessons that he learned from his youth: for people not to smoke pot before taking a shower. Of course, he poked fun of his wife and children, as well as the traffic coming to Rockwells from New Jersey. He feels that it would have been faster for him to get home via a canoe on the Hudson River Parkway and rightfully so due to the excessive traffic on the bridges and highways.
DiBitetto interacted with the crowd and incorporated them in his set in a natural manner, which made it even more appealing. His goal was to make America laugh again and he was able to accomplish that this evening at Rockwells. He noted the importance of laughter and if people are offended he pointed to where they can find the exit sign.
The Verdict
Overall, Vic DiBitetto was hilarious at Rockwells in Pelham, and some people laughed so hard that they were in tears. His comedic set was witty, spontaneous, entertaining and hilarious. He had the Westchester County crowd with him every step of the way. He is highly recommended seeing live whenever he comes to town. One will not be disappointed. DiBitetto’s set garnered an A rating.
To learn more about comedian and Internet personality Vic DiBitetto, check out his official website and his Facebook page.