“Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch,” starring Ross Jirgl and Jilon VanOver, is a compelling new original western film that premiered on March 16 on Tubi.
The synopsis is: When Butch Cassidy (Ross Jirgl) and his colorful band of outlaws commit a series of high-profile heists, a posse of newly-hired guns and seasoned killers working for the Pinkerton Detective Agency are tasked with taking down Cassidy and his gang.
Ross Jirgl is transformative in the protagonist role as Butch Cassidy, while Jilon VanOver is a triumph as the Sundance Kid. They have great chemistry and energy in their scenes together. It is unlike anything these two actors have done before, and they prove that they are two of the most underrated actors of our generation.
Bruce Dern, Dee Wallace, and Geoff Meed are noteworthy in their supporting roles as well.
Director Anthony C. Ferrante was able to capture the mood of that time period era all while screenwriter and actor Geoff Meed manages to keep the storyline fresh and modern. It has a nostalgic vibe to it, which will resonate well with viewers. This movie will take its audience on a wild and crazy ride.
Fans of the Jeff Bridges version of “True Grit” are bound to find this Tubi original “Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch” to be a real treat.
“Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch” is available for streaming on Tubi by clicking here. It garners two thumbs up.