In the episode that aired on August 3rd, Brandon Beemer delivered an emotional performance on “Days of Our Lives” when his character, Shawn Brady, finds out that the baby is not his.
After a paternity test, it was revealed that the baby’s father is indeed Evan Frears, who is also known as Christian Maddox (and played by Brock Kelly), and then, he goes over to Shawn Brady’s house to take baby Shawn Christian away from him.
Beemer gave a gut-wrenching performance when Evan barges into his house to snatch his son, who he renames Maddox, and take him away to New Zealand. He really pours out his heart as he showcases his love for the baby, and how he was there for him from the very start. Evan refused to give Shawn even a few minutes with the baby to say his final goodbyes.
These moving scenes were filled with melancholy and raw emotions, and Beemer ought to submit them in a future Emmy reel. The writers gave all of the actors good material to really sink their teeth in.
Belle Black (Martha Madison) is trying to be there for Shawn as his pillar of comfort during this challenging time. Great acting work all around.
In other “Days of Our Lives” news, it will be ending its 57-year run on the NBC network, and it will be streaming exclusively on Peacock starting on September 12.