“Boys Light Up” is a short film that was written, produced, and directed by Kyle Lovett.
The synopsis is: “A midnight booking quickly turns unpleasant for two men and their driver.”
This Aussie short encompasses action, drama, and thriller elements. Kyle stars as Leo and he steals every scene he is in; moreover, the dynamics between his character and Connor (Darren George) are intense and palpable.
Costa Prasoulas is convincing as the nefarious Steve in a controlled performance. Kya Stewart plays the terrified female lead Sky, and her affecting rapport with Leo allows for more resonance.
Matias Klaver also plays the diabolical client, who holds Leo at gunpoint, as he commands him to strike and hurt Sky.
It is rich in symbolism if one pays close attention, especially in the scenes with the bloodstains (sin), some of the color of their clothing (red, white, and black), and the beach towards the end (cleansing). It will leave the audience wanting to see more.
The Verdict
Overall, “Boys Light Up” is a riveting short movie that really pushes the envelope. It wrestles morality, and doing the wrong thing for the right reason.
Kyle Lovett is not afraid to be bold, raw, and vulnerable in his storytelling, and it is evident that his vulnerability is the viewer’s reward. This short deserves to be made into its own full-length feature film… it has a lot of potential to become something bigger.
Grab some popcorn and a bottle of wine, and allow Kyle Lovett to lure you in.
To learn more about Australian filmmaker and actor Kyle Lovett, follow him on Instagram.