“Bound,” starring Tony nominee Ramin Karimloo, is an intense thriller that was written and directed by Isaac Hirotsu Woofter.
The synopsis is: When Bella (Alexandra Faye Sadeghian) realizes that her mentally ill uncle and stepfather Gordy (Bryant Carroll), hid her college acceptance letter, she kicks him out of the house for the last time… or so she thinks.
When her mother Yeva (Pooya Mohseni) allows Gordy back, Bella runs away to New York with her pocket squirrel, Bandit, without money, without friends, without a place to live, and too much pride to turn back.
In the city a menagerie of strangers come into her life to help, an undocumented immigrant, a mysterious and lonely vet (Ramin Karimloo), and an insecure designer. Bella thrives, until she discovers one of her new friends shares a connection with Gordy.
The revelation propels Bella to act without consulting her new “found family” and the results are profoundly devastating.
When Bella wakes up alone in a hospital, she is ready to end it all, but an outstretched hand and a dark dangerous plan to break free from the chains of her previous life might be her salvation.
The plot is heavy at times but engaging. It is filled with multiple twists and turns, and “Bound” will sustain the audience’s attention for its entire duration.
The Verdict
Overall, “Bound” is a captivating film from start to finish. It deserves to be experiences for its intricacies, complexities, and unflinching nature.
Everybody in the cast is able to offer something distinct to the table. In particular, prepare to be blown away by Alexandra Faye Sadeghian and Ramin Karimloo’s badass and dynamic acting performances, which run the gamut.
This pulse-pounding thriller is bound to move audiences on an emotional level. Once you see “Bound,” it will be impossible to forget it.
This movie raises awareness on overcoming adversity and coping with mental health. It is a constant reminder that we are not alone, and that we should not be afraid to seek help in challenging and dire times.
Director and screenwriter Isaac Hirotsu Woofter proves to be one master provocateur, and he gives his actors material that they can really sink their teeth into. It is worth more than just a passing glance, and it garners 4.5 out out of 5 stars.
To learn more about “Bound,” check out its official homepage.