Just when one thought that Lambert’s could not get better than the original “Superpower” recording and music video, he proves his fans and music critics wrong again with the “Live Sessions” version, which is raw, unfiltered and liberating.
This “Live Sessions” video of “Superpower” demonstrates the sheer power and control in Lambert’s dynamic voice, which is an eighth world wonder in itself. Adam Lambert is as good as it gets in the contemporary music business. This live rendition of “Superpower” garners five out of five stars.
The remixes of “Superpower” is available on digital service providers. The actual song is featured on Lambert’s Velvet: Side A EP.
Equally impressive was Adam Lambert’s “Live Sessions” version of “Closer To You.”
In mid-December, Lambert will be performing at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City.
To learn more about Adam Lambert and his music, check out his official Facebook page.