Stewart, 52, known for sometimes developing odd relationships with the dozens of political and society figures who appeared on ‘The Daily Show’ during his 15 years as host, announced his departure Tuesday at the conclusion of taping the evening’s program.
“It’s been an absolute privilege,” Stewart told his audience at the show’s studio in New York City.
“It’s been the honor of my professional life, and I thank you for watching it, for hate-watching it, whatever reason you are tuning in for,” he said, according to the Reuters news service.
But because the impact of the show was so great, it was hard to judge what impact Stewart’s departure will have both on the Comedy Central cable channel and on political discourse in the United States.
The show, which aired four nights per week at 11 p.m., reached just over 1 million viewers per show — far less than the traditional network late-night shows it competed with — but appeared to influence the most powerful political figures in the United States.
Stewart’s show generated a major part of its audience from the coveted 19-30 demographic, where as many as 25 percent of that age group reported in 2004 depending on ‘The Daily Show’ for political news.
U.S. President Barack Obama appeared on Stewart’s show, as did Vice President Joe Biden, former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, former secretaries of state Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton, U.S. senators John McCain (R-Ariz.), Rand Paul (R. Kent), Rick Santorum (R-Penn.) and numerous other politicians.
But the future of ‘The Daily Show’ appears to be in some doubt when Stewart leaves, since the host of its companion show, ‘The Colbert Report,’ recently announced his departure as well.
Stephen Colbert left Comedy Central in December and was chosen to replace longtime host David Letterman on the CBS late-night show “Late Show.”
Comedy Central has said ‘The Daily Show’ would continue to appear nightly after a replacement for Stewart is named.
“‘The Daily Show’ has become a cultural touchstone for millions of fans and an unparalleled platform for political comedy that will endure for years to come,” Comedy Central President Michele Ganeless said in a written statement.
Stewart replaced Craig Kilborn roughly 15 years ago as host of the late-night cable program, which has since won Peabody and Emmy awards.
“17 years is the longest I have ever in my life held a job, by 16 years and five months,” Stewart said on Tuesday’s broadcast, “the upshot there being I am a terrible employee.”
“But in my heart, I know it is time for someone else to have that opportunity,” he said.
“The Daily Show” averages slightly more than 1 million viewers a night, a far smaller audience than his late-night competition on broadcast networks, yet Stewart became disproportionately influential in U.S. politics and culture.
“The Daily Show” has been a launching pad for the careers of several comedians besides Colbert, including Steve Carell and John Oliver.