“I am so incredibly grateful and excited to be working on not one but two television shows, it’s just so wonderful,” she said.
“Not Necessarily The Hamptons is a half-hour comedy talk show that was created and is hosted by a group of Long Island comedians: Andy Plagainos, Evan Weiss, Devin Giannini, Adrianne Davis, and myself. In the last couple of years, I’ve been performing stand-up comedy, one of the things I find most enjoyable is the conversations amongst the comics either at open mics or in green rooms at shows.”
“The dynamic of a contrast of perspective, executed in an entertainingly humorous fashion is quite delightful,” she said. “The team and I have been working pre-production since January 2019. Meeting weekly at The Pink House (my home) creating an alternative daytime talk show where the conversation isn’t your typical conversation to watch while you’re having your mid-morning coffee.”
“In the Spring of 2019, I was invited to join the prestigious Women In Technology Program, at North Shore TV, Long Island,” she said. “Through the WIT Program I was provided with the opportunity, asserts, access, knowledge and my team and I were provided with a confident CREW of my peers from the WIT Program to partner in the execution of bringing our concept to completion and create the show.”
“L.I.E., Long Island Entertainment is a TV show that aims to keep the viewer entertained, informed while bringing them the latest news in and around Long Island and NorthShore TV,” she said. “This is a program that NSTV has had for some time and I’m extremely grateful and honored to be the new on-camera host of such a fun show.”
On her plans for 2020, she said, “It is all planned out and it has been. I’m a total planner, in fact, The Bohemian Beauty Queen (my brand) was built on my belief: ‘Living your best life comes by making the choice to choose happy, and planning is the pathway of getting and staying there. Accountability is key and a goal with a deadline helps turn a dream into reality’. With that said, I’m incredibly grateful that the first half of the year I’m in production for both of the tv shows, Not Necessarily The Hamptons, and L.I.E., Long Island Entertainment.”
McDonald continued, “The team of Not Necessarily The Hamptons and I plan to spend our summer vacation working on a Not Necessarily The Hamptons Holiday 2020 Variety Show Special, which I’m very excited about. Then it’s right back to work for Season 2 of both productions. Yes, I’m excited I have a couple of stand-up comedy shows planned for 2020, my next show is at Greenwich Village Comedy Club in New York City on March 14th at 6 p.m.”
On her comedic writing inspirations, she said, “My comedic writing is inspired by my life. Seriously, everything and anything from my life. I’m an over-sharer, I jot down notes of things that happen to me, and work 1:1 with Carie Karavas (Comedic Actress/Comedian) for stand-up coaching and creating bits out of these experiences while developing an on-stage character, that’s fun to play while finding the funny in the things that annoy me, pain me, confuse me, and frustrate me that the audience can relate too.”
For hopefuls that wish to make it into the entertainment business, she said, “I am a big believer in the power of the mind, positive thought, affirmations, creative visualizations, vision boards, but this is all in addition to planning, preparing, and acquiring the tools necessary. Working with professionals, take classes, bootcamps, and one-on-one sessions.”
She elaborated, “I continue to ‘sharpen my axe’ by taking classes and seminars, and think everyone should. Then there is this Joan Rivers quote where she says, ‘I was smart enough to go through every door that opened,’ and that might be the best piece of advice I follow. Really think about what you why you want to be in the entertainment industry and at what you hope to gain, there are so many ways to achieve your goals, including creating your own opportunity.”
On being a host and personality in the digital age, she said, “The digital age is such an exciting time to be an on-camera host/ personality, I feel as though the possibilities are endless and they really are. One of the coolest aspects about L.I.E. Long Island Entertainment is that L.I.E. is the acronym for the show as well as the highway that serves as the major vein that connects one end of Long Island to the next. It was with this perspective that creator/producer Marcelo Mendez created and named the show.”
“One of the ways that we’re re-vamping the show in addition to a new set, new host, there’s a whole new format,” she said. “Being in the digital age and having access to share short videos on social media, L.I.E. is now formatted to have various segments that we call ‘exits.’ These exits together will comprise an entire half-hour show, and we’re also able to share them individually via social channels, which is just so cool. The digital age also allows anyone, anywhere in the world to watch hyperlocal community media via live stream, or the viewer can watch at their leisure on YouTube.”
She continued, “Please watch Not Necessarily The Hamptons on NSTV- Long Island, Great Neck and Manhasset channels 20 and 37 worldwide please LIVE stream from www.nstv.org Tuesdays 11 a.m. and Thursdays at 10:30 am. Please subscribe to our YouTube page for Not Necessarily The Hamptons. Please let us know what you think, send us feedback, on any of our social platforms Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.”
“Please watch L.I.E. Long Island Entertainment on NSTV- Long Island, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. on channels 20 and 37 in Great Neck/Manhasset and worldwide please live stream from www.nstv.org. Please follow the Instagram page for the show @LIE_LongIslandEntertainment and let us know your thoughts,” she concluded.