On May 31, they will be performing at Rockwells in Pelham, New York. “It’s our home away from home,” he said. “We love it here. We see a lot of familiar faces, and there is a handful of new people each time. It is fun to have new folks and the familiar faces.”
“We try to not do the same show twice. I will have different material this time around. We are always excited to see everybody,” Anderson said. “The clubs we perform in New York are so intimate and fun. Everyone’s energized and ready to have a good time,” he added.
Today, Anderson and Burton celebrate the one-year anniversary of their podcast, “PodcastOne: That’s Awesome.” “People pointed out that Steve and I say ‘that’s awesome’ a lot so we renamed our podcast. We just had our one-year anniversary with our 52nd podcast, where we do one per week. That was very exciting,” he admitted.
On the impact of technology and streaming on the entertainment business, Anderson said, “It’s interesting because there’s a lot more great content these days. You have to do something new that people are interested to see or it has to be really good to stand out. People are trying to make the best content they can. It’s a great time for storytellers, writers and actors. It’s an interesting time.”
When asked how he handled being dialogue-heavy on General Hospital, he shared that he enjoyed the challenge. “It was always fun for me to really be specific with the images he was talking about, especially in the monologues that Spinelli gave,” he said.
He continued, “Also, I had to be clear in what I was saying because if it didn’t have a point, it just wouldn’t land. It was always fun to sift through all the words and really make sense of what he was trying to say. Spinelli was very colorful and spoke in metaphor. With good practice, memorization because second nature, which I was grateful for. If memorization was a challenge for me, it would have been a tough road.”
Throughout his acting career, Anderson earned five Emmy nominations for “Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series.” “The Daytime Emmy Awards are always a great party and it is great to see people from the community since you don’t cross paths with them unless you go to those events. I’ve always enjoyed them,” he said.
For young and aspiring actors, he said, “In this day and age, things are different. When I was young and aspiring, it was about seeing theater and being involved in as many plays as I could. The challenge now is people are making content on YouTube, and certainly, if you do that early, you can make a name for yourself. At the same time, for kids that want to be actors, it’s all about doing it and being passionate about the craft of acting.”
In his personal life, he is married to Kiera, and a father to two daughters: Juna Meredith and Finola Leo Anderson.
He defined the word success as “staying busy” and “being able to do what he loves.” “Success is about working towards a goal every day, whether it’s a small step or a big step. As long as you take at least one step forward towards something, that’s a successful day. I’m working every day for a goal for me and my family,” he said.
To learn more about the Stone Cold and The Jackal’s tour dates, check out their official website.
For more information on Emmy-nominated actor Bradford Anderson, follow him on Twitter.