Mike Ayley, the lead bass player of the Canadian pop-rock group Marianas Trench, chatted about their new single “I’m Not Getting Better” and their upcoming shows in New York.
‘I’m Not Getting Better’
On their new single, Ayley said, “It captures the ‘refusal of the call’ in the hero’s journey-the stage when the hero has a moment of doubt or they feel unworthy of the calling before them.”
“The song embodies this hesitation, highlighting the internal struggle that we all encounter in every day life of “I can’t do this. It’s not me,” he added.
On their music and songwriting inspirations, Ayley said, “Marianas Trench music is driven by each album theme to give it direction and a distinctive sound, while also drawing from real-life experiences. It blends autobiographical elements with the album’s intended story.”
Irving Plaza shows
On September 27 and 28, Marianas Trench will be playing back-to-back shows at New York’s Irving Plaza.
“We are excited to be playing back-to-back shows in New York, one of the greatest cities on earth,” he said.
“It feels like a mini residency for us, and we can’t wait. This show is always circled on our calendar. With lots of family and friends attending, it’s one of our feature shows where we go to extra lengths to bring our A-game. And maybe do some shopping on the days off around the show,” he elaborated.
The digital age
On being a band in the digital age, Ayley said, “We have seen the music business evolve from selling CDs to downloading singles off of iTunes to streaming. Although It feels like everything is changing, creatively, it hasn’t changed our process.”
“We still strive to make the best music possible with every album, never cutting corners. The biggest shift with streaming seems to be on the consumer side; the appetite for new music has increased,” he elaborated.
“Previously, we could release an album and still tour with ‘new’ singles a year after its release. Now, after six months or so, it doesn’t feel like an album is still new which has lead to more frequent music releases before the full album drops,” he added.
Advice for young and emerging artists
“As a young and aspiring artist, my advice is to try everything. In promoting your music, explore all platforms—you never know where you’ll find followers or gain traction,” he said.
“MySpace once helped us build a foundation, and now platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok are essential. Unexpected avenues can also bring in new fans,” he noted.
Creatively, experiment with everything. Draw from your influences, but don’t copy their playbook. Let their style and their “moves” become just a part of your own unique sound. Listen to what you love. Mix up all the ingredients and make your own secret sauce.
Future plans
On their future plans, he revealed, “We’re gearing up for our biggest North American tour yet with 44 shows. Our new album drops later this summer. New music videos. New lyric videos. International shows should be a coming next year too. We’re incredibly busy and very excited about it!”
On his definition of success, he said, “Professionally, success has many interpretations. For me, a key milestone was quitting my day job as a waiter to work full-time in music.”
“Being able to provide is another real notable measure of success. There are still levels to achieve in this business. Headlining a global arena tour and having number one worldwide songs still remain on the list of goals I wrote when I was a kid,” he said.
“Ultimately, success boils down to how you feel daily. Life is going to have ups and downs no matter who you are but If you can look in the mirror and be happy with who you see, sleep soundly, wake up excited for the day, that’s true success,” he said.
“Loving who you share your life with, seeing your child smile when you hug them in the morning, and being passionate about a work you love to do-i think this is the most important kind of success in life,” he explained.
Closing thoughts on the new single and tour
For their fans and supporters, he said “I hope everyone who comes to our shows has a blast. If you’ve been before, you know it’s a great time—like a family, with everyone diving into the music together, singing together. It’s a feel-good experience and an emotional ride, as is our music.”
“For newcomers, it’s an incredible bonding experience. You’re not just watching the show alone; you’re truly sharing it with others. There’s no elitism among the Marianas Trench fan base.
“Everyone is welcome from our longtime fans and first timers. There is a real sense of unity and that is truly a special experience now more than ever,” he expressed.
To learn more about Marianas Trench, check out their official website, and follow them on Instagram.