Rogen: true Bieber hater
In addition to showing his light side, he’s also showing he’s not a guy to hold a grudge. Bieber sent out a couple of tweets directed at his fellow Canadian, asking Rogen to come help roast him at the Comedy Central Justin Bieber Roast on March 30 (it’s being filmed March 14 so Rogen is needed soon).
He isn’t getting a response but his attempts are extra special ’cause not too too long ago the potty-mouthed Mr. Rogen called Bieber “a piece of shit.” A couple of times he’s done so actually, basing his assessment on Bieber escapades. He even said that he has some “hate” for Bieber.
Not nice, not Canadian, not needed, but he done it all the same. The newly turned 21-year-old Bieber clearly took it in stride as two tweets to Rogen indicate.
‘I’m still your biggest fan. Even after “the interview,” the Biebs tweeted for Mr. Rogen. “That’s dedication. Roast me! Sincerely yours..the piece of s**t..justin.”
“Come on man. Check your voicemail. I took it like a man as you blasted a nervous kid fan of yours (me). Now I’m a man. Roast me!”
That second tweet referenced a meeting between the two when Rogen said Bieber acted “non-chalant” about meeting him backstage at a German talk show, that despite Bieber asking for the meeting. Rogen got his feathers all ruffled and it was one of the two times he called the Biebs, well, poo. Or at least a piece it.
Bieber’s response was to apologize on social media for not bowing down to Rogen and to say that he did not do so simply because he loved his movies and was a “bit shy” about meeting him.
#WewantSeth – #BieberRoast
Now the former main-squeeze of Selena Gomez — you can bet she’ll be front and center at the Bieber Roast — has created the hashtag “#WeWantSeth.” There is also the hashtag #BieberRoast out there.
With the talent lined up already, including host Kevin Hart and outrageous and outrageously funny comedians Hannibal Buress and Jeff Ross, the Roast will surely be a good one. Further, the Canadian pop singer’s numerous missteps — wanna bet someone mentions urinating in a hotel mop bucket while dissing Bill Clinton? — will provide ample material.
Bieber said he’s worked hard to get into trouble so that Comedy Central would be sure to Roast him and maybe its time we acknowledged that. The cheerful Canadian has taken harder hits than anything Seth Rogen can dish out and he’s still standing and still excited to be the focus of an evening of intense criticism.