Actor Joshua Hyunho Lee chatted about starring as Jin in the series “XO, Kitty” on Netflix.
How was your experience in ‘XO, Kitty’?
My experience on “XO, Kitty” was incredible. Honestly, I was quite nervous when I got the call—”XO, Kitty” was going to be my first global TV show, and I would be joining as a new character in this beautiful world that so many fans love—but all of that immediately faded when I met the entire team.
Everyone involved with the production was so kind and so talented. One of my favorite memories on set was from episode 3; we were doing long hours through the night and quite tired, but Sangheon pulled out his phone and played music on his phone and turned the entire set into a Karaoke party.
What did you love most about your character Jin?
Jin is at an interesting inflection point in his life: choosing between a path dictated by his environment (family, culture, etc.) and exploring who he is and what he wants for himself.
I love this aspect of Jin’s character because it is eerily similar to what I was going through when I first started my acting career.
My whole life I thought I was going to have a corporate job even though there was always this itch in the back of my mind telling me to go into the arts. I’m glad I made that leap, and I know Jin is too.
What motivates you each day as an actor, singer, and entertainer?
What motivates me changes day by day. Sometimes it’s knowing what the alternative is (corporate Joshua was not vibing), sometimes it’s the people around me, and sometimes it’s walking outside.
One of the reasons I love New York City is that there is always a show you can watch, often for free. New York is lit.
How did it feel to graduate from Harvard University with degrees in Computer Science and Economics?
Harvard was some of the best years of my life. It challenged me in so many new ways and I genuinely love learning and school (I am first and foremost a nerd).
Graduating felt like a love letter to my parents, who gave up so much for me to succeed. I have so many memories of studying in the back of their dry cleaners. Those memories are some of my best.
How does it feel to be a part of the digital age? (Now with streaming, technology, and social media being so prevalent)
There are parts that I like about it and parts that I definitely don’t. Like many, I downloaded TikTok during the pandemic, and it was a really fun creative outlet for me, as well as a place where I met many of my closest friends today.
As someone who values privacy, it’s been a tough negotiation between wanting to showcase my passions—acting, dancing, and singing—while protecting the other aspects of my life from the internet.
I think I’m still learning to navigate the digital age as the growth of these technologies has far outpaced our tools to reign their negative effects in, but the community building that the digital age has allowed for is cool to see, like the global communities built around “XO, Kitty!”
What is your advice for young and emerging actors, singers, and performers?
Don’t wait for anyone to start! Make art in your room, with your friends, perform in front of your family, and support the people around you who are doing the same.
The same people I made short films with years ago are the same people I’m working with on a bigger scale today.
What does the word success mean to you? (My favorite question)
My relationship with the term success has been a tumultuous one. For so much of my life, so much of my identity was based on the aggregate of my accomplishments: getting into a good school, getting the best internships, and getting a prestigious job.
Success, to me, now is more about being a kind person, building up the community around you, and doing what makes you happy.
Acting makes me happy and so do all my friends and family, so I’m feeling pretty successful right now.
What would you like to tell our readers about XO, Kitty? (What’s the one thing you want them to get out of it)
I hope you have fun watching this series and feel the fun that went into creating it. All the love you feel on screen is how we feel every day behind the camera. Or take away how good Minyeong’s voice is. That man can sing.
To learn more about Korean-American actor Joshua Hyunho Lee, follow him on Instagram.