This event is hosted by Sal Abbatiello and Vinny Dice, with music by DJ Tommy Nappi. It will be comprised of Rainere Martin, who is known for her premiere Donna Summer Tribute show, as well as disco duo Lime.
Rainere Martin as Donna Summer and musical duo Lime (Rob Hubertz and Joy Dorris) both rocked Mulcahy’s last year.
Lime is known for such dance hits in the early ’80s as “Babe We’re Gonna Love Tonight,” “Unexpected Lovers,” “Guilty” and “Angel Eyes.”
For more information about this highly-anticipated dance concert in Wantagh this August, check out the official Mulcahy’s website.
To learn more about Rainere Martin’s Donna Summer Tribute, check out its Facebook page, and homepage.
For more information on Rob Hubertz and Joy Dorris of the group Lime, visit their Facebook page.