Starting on Friday, September 20, the hype surrounding virtual influencers and raiding Area 51 will intersect when VI personalities Binxie and Aliza (along with real-life influencers Kristen Hancher and The Kiss Boyz) live stream their own raid on the top-secret base in a captivating production from the company Neon Evolution.
This company is owned by Brian Lee, who is the founder of The Honest Company with Jessica Alba, and ShoeDazzle with Kim Kardashian and Art of Sport (skincare company) with Kobe Bryant. Both Binxie and Aliza’s Instagram accounts are posting teasers that are leading up to the event. Their countdown to their virtual mission has officially begun.
These two virtual avatars are on the road to becoming digital celebrities. They are using cutting-edge 3D technology and A-list creatives, in order to present these characters with a realistic and unique viewpoint.
Viewers and fans can follow along on such platforms as Instagram, Primarily IGTV, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok.