“I really want the EP release party to be a celebration of all the hard work that went into this debut of my material, both on my end and all the wonderful people who lent their talents to making this happen,” he said. “It deserves to launch with a fun evening. As far as the performance, we’ll be performing all the tracks off the album as well as a few Falduto favorites not selected for the EP, and a brand new song that has yet to be performed. There will be a few covers, some oldies and some goodies. I’m a big fan of keeping a little mystery to the set list,” he added, with a smile.
On the song selection process of his new EP, he said, “Out of all the songs I’ve written, I just sort of felt that this particular combination of songs in this particular packaging went best together. The tracks tug at the heart strings but it’s all masked by playful melodies. If I could put this EP into a sentence it would be, ‘Love has wounded me .. and yet I know that love is the only answer.’ In the end, it’s all about the tricky topic of love.”
He listed “In My Mind” and “Turn That Song Back On” as his personal favorite song on his EP. “The song I feel a deepest connection to is ‘In My Mind’ and that’s because I have a strong emotional tie to it, not to mention the fact that it was the first song I ever wrote. But my favorite song would probably have to be ‘Turn That Song Back On’ from which the album title is derived. It’s the most unique track on the EP as far as lyrical content (in comparison to the others) and it’s also the most urgent. It’s a message people need to hear right now, or at least hear again.”
His EP party will be hosted by air personality Jesse Addy. “Aw, he’s very kind to lend his talent and charm to my lil’ shindig. He and I have been friends for a while now and for him to lend this name to this just speaks volumes to the awesome person I’ve always known him to be and it’s lovely to be supported and believed in by someone in the industry this way!” Falduto exclaimed.
For his fans and listeners, he concluded, “To any and all fans of mine, #countryforlife or not, give it a listen. Let me know what you think, share it if you’d like and let’s #loveoneanother and subscribe to my YouTube channel.”
To learn more about rising singer-songwriter Brian Falduto and his EP release party, check out his official Facebook page and his website.