” A year ago, I wasn’t writing… I was terrified…” Kaur explained, remembering a day in November, when she posted her first poem online to Instagram.
“That poem was so raw and vulgar and I was always known as a ‘nice girl,” said Kaur. “This troubled me for a while….but then, I decided ‘screw it,’ I’m going to do this for me and the few people, who, in the beginning, liked my work.”
Since then, Kaur has continued to share her art wherever she is. Although readers may first get to know her through her popular Instagram feed, or on the web, Milk & Honey is a collection of poems about survival, loss, love, and femininity. Divided into four chapters, each section of the book deals with a different theme, some of which Kaur read aloud.
During a verse called, ” Tips for Surviving a Breakup,” the crowd laughed as Kaur advised the audience to, “start a project,” and held up her newly published book up high for all to see.
Also included in her other tips, Kaur said, “Go to the nearest ice cream store and order two scoops of mint chocolate chip…The mint will soothe your heart, and you deserve the extra chocolate.”
After the reading, Kaur took questions from her fans during a Q&A and when asked about her writing today, she told the crowd she really became a “poet” through default.
“I write to express myself, but it also my craft, my baby, my love…It’s a process about writing honestly and for yourself.”
Milk & Honey is available for order online. Originally from Brampton, Kaur continues to travel around the world to speak and teach writing workshops.