On playing Trey in Dark Places, he said, “It was a lot of hard work and focus, not eating what I want and staying in a certain head-space, that is darker than my everyday mindset. It was definitely gratifying getting to play something heavier than my viewers are used to.”
It was released in Paris on March 30 and April 8 in France. One of his fan’s reactions was as follows, “That was the first time I’ve seen anything you’ve been in and your acting was spot on. Thought you were a crazy Native American.”
He revealed that his plans for the future include “I have ambitions and goals, but I’m taking it step by step and focusing on the moment. I don’t want to be attached to ‘outcome’ even though I may strive for certain aspirations,” he said.
Aside from his new role, he is known for playing Zane Park in Degrassi and Drew in The Conjuring. “Both have been two of the biggest parts of my career so far and propelled me forward. I had a great time doing both of these roles and am very thankful for them coming into my path,” he said.
He was born in South Africa and raised in Toronto. “I still tell people I am South African, but I am also Canadian now.
The culture and flavor of South Africa has shaped a lot of who I am and my persona, while Toronto has nurtured who I am further. They are a mother and father to me,” he said.
For his fans, he said, “Hey you guys. The biggest part for me of being acknowledged as an actor is about touching and connecting to real people in society. I can never fully understand to what extent I may/may not have contributed to your journeys when you ‘like’ a photo or say you love me, but it is most certainly taken to heart on my side and your support leaves me feeling extremely blessed and fortunate. It is a lonely and trying process as an actor, and you may feel unnoticed at times but you are very much a part of the blood pumping through what has driven my career to where it has reached so far. Thank you. I see and appreciate you.”
For aspiring actors, he concluded, “There never was or is a formula. If this is something you want because you love to do it and it’s not conditional on fame or fortune, then you need to start doing it. The doing will unfold into more steps. Start classes, community theatre, get an agent – one thing leads to another. Doing will unfurl more steps. Be dedicated to your craft, but don’t make it your everything. There are many fascinating and interesting endeavors in life to explore and feed you as a person outside of acting, things that will feed the being you breathe as on stage/screen. For longevity you need interests outside of acting to feed you in the dry spells of work, because even the biggest stars aren’t always shooting. They need to occupy their body and spirits between roles. And sometimes that window will be over a year or more. It has for me. Develop skills, grow, learn. Live, while you pursue your dreams and enjoy the process. It is not just about being ‘on set’ and ‘carpets’ everyday. Connect to the Earth and beings around you. And affect society somehow. Leave it better.”