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Most reliable workplace platforms revealed

Data about the outages in the last 12 months, average outage duration and the total affected users were taken into account.

Laptop. — Image by © Tim Sandle.
Laptop. — Image by © Tim Sandle.

Following the latest global outage, a new study has identified the work-related services and platforms that had the least outages. This reveals Dropbox to be the most reliable platform, had only two major crashes in the last 12 months. 

This comes from a recent study by TRG Datacenters. The firm analysed the top 30 work-related platforms and services to identify the ones that had the least major crashes. Data about the outages in the last 12 months, average outage duration and the total affected users were taken into account to give the services a reliability score.

For this score the study considers only major outages during which a service was unavailable with all its functions. The platforms are ranked by the number of major crashes with the reliability score as an additional context.  

The outcomes are:

ServiceMajor CrashesDuration in hoursUsersReliability Score

The data reveals that Asana and Airtable are among the most reliable work platforms, with only one major crash over the last 12 months. For both platforms, each outage lasted  for 45 minutesAsana has proven itself more in the realm of dealing with a larger user base. Asana has over 1.3 million users, having over five times bigger user base than Airtable

Dropbox, Yammer, Miro and Basecamp had only 2 major crashes. Dropbox has the most reliable service with a score of 69.2Dropbox crashes also lasted 45 minutes, affecting around 700 million users around the world. For such a large user base, fixing a major crash in less than an hour is remarkable. Yammer is part of Microsoft, which has over 345 million usersThe crash duration for Yammer is around 1.5 hours, two times longer than Dropboxwhich makes it less reliable overall, earning a score of 58.8. 

The 25 million users of Mirohave experienced only 2 outages over the last 12 months, which lasted for 45 minutes. This platform has a similar outage description to Dropbox, except there is no evidence about how it would handle itself with 10 times as many users.

Basecamp had only 2 major crashes that affected over 3 million users for around 45 minutes. This platform is also a very reliable one, earning its reliability score of 57.6. Userbase is the only crucial difference between Basecamp and Miro, with Basecamp having only 3.3 million users. 

Webex, Evernote, SharePoint and Trello had only 3 major crashes over the last 12 months. Webex’s 3 major crashes lasted around 90 minutesaffecting half a billion users worldwide.

Evernote has the same crash details, although its user base is half of what Webex has. At the same time the user base for both of these platforms don’t affect their reliability that much. This is why both Webex and Evernote have the same reliability score of 57.3. SharePoint and Trello have some unique differences. SharePoint’s outages last around 90 minutes on average, affecting over 345 million users around the world. At the same time, Trello has a user-base that is six times smaller and an average crash duration lasts for 45 minutes. There is no evidence of Trello performing under the same pressure as SharePoint (considering the difference in the user base between the two), hence why they both have a similar reliability score. 

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Dr. Tim Sandle is Digital Journal's Editor-at-Large for science news. Tim specializes in science, technology, environmental, business, and health journalism. He is additionally a practising microbiologist; and an author. He is also interested in history, politics and current affairs.

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