REDMOND, Wash. —, which provides Internet security updates through online subscriptions, will supply security services for Microsoft Corp.’s planned set of online services under a strategic alliance announced Tuesday.
Shares in McAfee jumped 54 percent, to $12.50, in trading Tuesday on the Nasdaq. Shares in Microsoft rose 2.2 percent, to $70.31, on the same stock exchange.
Code-named “HailStorm,” the set of Microsoft services aims to eventually keep track of everything from an individual’s personal calendar to financial information over a secure online network.
The system, which is built on the software giant’s .NET technology, has raised security concerns from those who fear that personal information could be leaked if a hacker attack were to occur.
Microsoft has vowed to make security its top priority, but this alliance marks one of the first concrete steps Microsoft has taken toward that goal.
In the first phase of the alliance announced Tuesday, McAfee will provide added security to Passport, Microsoft’s system that lets users keep multiple passwords and other personal information in one place for online use. The companies said they plan to add more services as HailStorm becomes more developed.
Financial details were not disclosed.
McAfee, based in Sunnyvale, Calif., provides antivirus and personal firewall security to consumers via online subscriptions.