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Four types of crypto users in the emerging economy (Includes interview and first-hand account)

This month the team of Nakamoto Capital Investment Fund announced a Pre-ICO of its new project – the CoinPlace platform. This is a new service providing an opportunity to directly trade large volumes of any crypto assets (Bitcoin, altcoin, and so on).

Cryptocurrencies are a rapidly growing segment in Russia. Recently Russian President Vladimir Putin appealed to representatives of Central Bank of Russia not to create obstacles for trading virtual assets. In a statment, Putin stressed the importance of outlining statutory acts for such activities.

According to CoinPlace, the people in Russia tend to recoil from such words as “crypto assets”, “crypto economy” and “blockchain”. Building on this, the founders of CoinPlace platform believe that such a negative image of crypto in Russia is caused by a lack of understanding of basic principles of crypto economy.

George Blagov, CEO of CoinPlace told Digital Journal: “People just don’t understand what is it; they think that cryptocurrency is for chosen ones, and blockchain is a magic spell. People are afraid even more because half a year ago many officials denounced blockchain and cryptocurrency as a bubble.”

George Blagov adds: “Meanwhile, more than ten countries have already legalized crypto assets and some allow their residents to pay taxes in digital currency. The governments officially accept ICO as an alternative means of investment acquisition. It has become clear that it is not a bubble.”

The cryptocurrency expert adds, with an eye to the future: “People will have to understand it, to learn how to deal with the new kind of money. Those who realize this are looking for easier ways to become full-fledged crypto economy participants.”

How might this future play out? According to Blagov there are four types of real and potential crypto users. The whole global crypto market and all widely used cryptocurrencies’ rates depend on them:

1. Holders (buyers) of various projects’ tokens.
2. Organizers of ICO projects.
3. Crypto assets holders — people who already own various cryptocurrencies.
4. Beginners — some of them do not even know what kind of crypto assets they want to acquire, and how to use them afterwards.

As of now, each of the types mentioned above faces multiple problems. CoinPlace aims to help people who want to enter the crypto world but who also do not want to think about technology. That is, those interested in the current media buzz around Bitcoin do not wish to learn cryptocurrency program codes, but they may wish to begin trading in cryptocurrencies. CoinPlace aims to offer a service whereby ICO organizers will be able to register their projects on CoinPlace platform and start selling tokens the same day, with the aim of allowing more people, including those new to digital currencies, to invest.

George Blagov summarizes: “CoinPlace benefits a large number of users, which will enable the system itself and our community to grow fast by developing different segments of the crypto community.”

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Written By

Dr. Tim Sandle is Digital Journal's Editor-at-Large for science news. Tim specializes in science, technology, environmental, business, and health journalism. He is additionally a practising microbiologist; and an author. He is also interested in history, politics and current affairs.

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