The convention center will be hosting the International Window Coverings Expo, the International Surface Event and the Las Vegas Market. All of these shows are available to the attendees during the IBS.
“The International Builders’ Show boasts an expansive exhibit hall featuring manufacturers representing every facet of the housing industry, all in one spot,” said NAHB Chairman Kevin Kelly.
This year’s show will host over 1,000 exhibitors and cover almost 500,000 square feet of exhibit space. The industry’s biggest manufacturers and suppliers will be exhibiting their latest products for home builders.
“Housing professionals can really take their business to the next level by taking advantage of the access to all of the top industry professionals, networking opportunities and business deals available to them at Design & Construction Week in general and the IBS in particular,” Kelly added.
In addition to the exhibitor area, over 100 educational seminars will be offered on topics ranging across the building spectrum, showcasing some of the latest developments, from access flooring to cutting edge insulation techniques. Award competitions, home tours, panels with industry experts, parties and other special events will run the length of the show.
Jon Gruden, ESPN analyst and former head coach of the Oakland Raiders and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, will headline the opening ceremony and be followed by the shadow dancing troupe Catapult. Catapult was created in 2008 and are famous for their run on season eight of America’s Got Talent.
On Thursday, ZZ Top, the iconic Texas rock band will be playing at the IBS Spike Concert.
Although tickets for this event are not included in general admission tickets. The cost can be added to the ticket or can be purchased on site.
The National Association of Home Builders is a trade association with more than 140,000 members that work in building, remodeling, design, housing finance and other aspects of home and light commercial construction. Members of the association build approximately 80 percent of new homes in the United States.