Tech & Science
Marvel comic book superhero Iron Man is a hero to not only young-at-heart adults but to children of all ages and nationalities. As the...
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Marvel comic book superhero Iron Man is a hero to not only young-at-heart adults but to children of all ages and nationalities. As the...
Ford was lucky enough to land directly in a golf course being played by two medical doctors, who were in absolute shock at finding...
Unorthodox medicine has been called many things over the years: quackery, irregular medicine, fringe medicine, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). One of its most...
FGM is practiced deeply among the Somalis, believing it is a religious obligation for Muslims. Paying $300 each, the practice is now considered a...
The new Cyber Directorate will treat the hackers and their hacking process as a major new focus for both offense and defense. And truthfully,...
The hacking group Lizard Squad was taken down by @AnonymousUK2015 (their Twitter handle) through a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, a weapon of...
Jester uses the Twitter leetspeak handle @th3j35t3, a specialized form of symbolic writing. His hacker ethics are as a grey hat hacker (i.e. computer...
The question that should be asked is this — “Is it legal to make it illegal to support gay segregation?”— Is it legal to...
In a world where anyone with a computer can be a professional critic, “50 Shades of Grey” has become a global phenomenon and widely...
Two doctors were on the golf course to treat multiple gashes on Harrison’s head when he wrecked on the golf course, flying solo. Medics...