Making its Toronto debut with Canadian Stage under the vision of director Peter Hinton, Constellations follows the ups and downs of a couple, outgoing...
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Making its Toronto debut with Canadian Stage under the vision of director Peter Hinton, Constellations follows the ups and downs of a couple, outgoing...
It’s strange that this eleven-year-old play has never been produced in Canada before, especially considering that it won a major U.K. theatre award for...
Even if you’ve never seen one of Baram & Snieckus’ live shows, the married comedy duo may still look familiar to you: Snieckus has...
As you’d expect, some of these risks pay off beautifully, while others get uncomfortable laughs while leaving an unpleasant aftertaste. Come What Mayhem!, which...
A Doll’s House is Ibsen’s way-ahead-of-its-time drama about a sheltered housewife, Nora Helmer, who lives only to please her patriarchal banker husband, Torvald. She...
The 1935 movie (very loosely based on a John Buchan novel) is already as much a comedy as a thriller — sort of an...
CanStage’s Shakespeare in High Park (SiHP) has specialized in outdoor productions of the Bard’s comedies (and the occasional Romeo and Juliet) since the 1980s,...
Director Ted Witzel, who helmed a highly modernized The Taming of the Shrew for Shakespeare in High Park three years ago, has returned to...
And it’s taken Ross very far indeed — from Canada to New York and Comic-Con International in San Diego, to Europe and Australia, and...
It’s a small world these days, with everybody and everything linked so tightly that it’s impossible to do anything without making a ripple effect...